Ceramic coils are the new age of cartridges. Not only do ceramic coils improve the flavour and give you a smoother draw, they also give you the benefit of not burning your concentrates when you're using a weed vaporizer like you constantly run the risk of with typical metal coil designs.
With a sleek design and a ceramic mouthpiece. These concentrate cartridges hold 0.5ml or 1.0ml with 4 x 2mm oil intake holes.
These cartridges are a simple yet effective way to add to your growing product lines.
- Ceramic Coil
- Press-on mouthpiece
- Size: 0.5ml or 1.0ml
- Oil intake holes - (4) x 2mm
- 2 Part Glass cartridge
- Ceramic Mouth piece included
- Color: Silver
- Works with any 510 Thread Battery